Friday, May 22, 2020

Pulp Fiction Film Analysis - 1134 Words

Pulp Fiction is a black comedy crime film written and directed Quentin Tarantino (1994). The film’s â€Å"narrative follows the unpredictable actions and reflections of two hit men who philosophically meditate out loud about the Bible, loyalty, and McDonald’s hamburgers† (Corrigan, White, 368). The movie goes against the three-act structure of classic films as the story is told out of chronological order making the film so memorable to its viewers. Tarantino’s film begins in a coffee shop and also ends in the same shop. In the beginning of the film, it appears to be a soft, moist, shapeless matter of mass but as the movie progresses the audience can take away much more from the mundane acts they view on screen. The film’s odd narrative†¦show more content†¦Pulp Fiction employs various devices such as dialogue and visual motifs that provide narrative clarity and unity along the lines associated with classical Hollywood cinema (Bailey, 52). T he dialogue in the coffee shop indicates that the film has more to do with the mundane aspects of a life of crime than it does with the glamour, danger, and intrigue typical of thrillers or film noir (Howley). The film’s dialogue can range from absolutely pointless to completely captivating moments. These conversation establishes character and character relations early in the film in an entertaining fashion. This is depicted when Vincent and Jules are having a normal conversation about Amsterdam and foot massages directly before they are about to commit multiple murders. This organic conversation establishes the characters as reasonably ordinary people to the audience till they arrive at the apartment and appear stone cold. Tarantino’s Pulp Fiction clarity illustrates the style of mundane versus the extreme. A motif that remains constant in the film is the bathroom. Various of the film’s major events occur while someone is using the restroom. For a majority the film this phenomenon occurs to Vincent. When he uses the restroom in the diner, Jules has a heart-to-heart with the robbers, Pumpkin and Honey Bunny. Next, Vincent is using the bathroom at Mia’s and she comes across his heroin.Show MoreRelatedThe Film War Horse By Michael Morpurgo1575 Words   |  7 Pagesmovement is a storytelling device across all film genres, for example in the film War Horse. Unlike Pulp Fiction there is a larger variety of camera shots used, to express visually the different scenes and emotions present. War Horse is ‘an adaptation of Michael Morpurgo’s’ (Madigan 2012, 48) children’s novel, and gives its viewers a breath-taking tale of a friendship between a horse (Joey) and a young man (Albert) amongst the devastation of World War 1. 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